WN Articles

Home Enerpac Hydraulic Cylinder Overhaul Procedure                            WN Articles & Patents

Published repair related articles

bulletElectronics for the Car restorer (incomplete article)
bullet Electric clocks and things (Skinned Knuckles Magazine)
bulletMiscellaneous hints and stories - May, 92 (Skinned Knuckles Magazine)
bulletThe spider story (Skinned Knuckles Magazine)
bulletWhat went wrong?   Fixing power steering leaks
bulletCapacitor Discharge Ignition (Skinned Knuckles Magazine)


Porsche 993 articles

bulletHow to realign the convertible top on a Porsche 993
bulletHow to replace the front and rear gas springs (hood springs) on a Porsche 993
bulletHow to adjust the fan belts on a Porsche 993
bulletReplacing the air duct (over fan shroud) on Porsche 993

Other Porschce specific articles

bulletHow to repair the inside door latch cable (Porsche 944, etc)
bulletPorsche 924/944 sloppy shift linkage repair

Cadillac related Articles

bulletFront motor mount for 1936 series 60 Cadillac - construction plans
bulletRepairing/Replacing Fuel Sender on 1959 Cadillac
bullet Postmortem on an Oil Pressure Switch

Other Miscellaneous Articles

bulletEnerpac Hydraulic Cylinder Overhaul
 All about Vacuum Chucking for wood turners    

Great repair article, not by me, published with permission of the author
OSCH & BOGEN: An investigation into two radios separated by a quarter-century 
Joseph D. Steinmeyer
6.102 Analog and RF Laboratory / Spring 2010
Massachusetts Institute of Technology




Patents (copies available from the US patent and trademark office web site):

10,461,801   Using harmonics for fulfilling multiple jobs simultaneously
9,582,265   Runtime creation, assignment, deployment and updating of arbitrary radio waveform techniques for a radio waveform generation device
9,276,315   Memory based electronically scanned array antenna control
9268551   Runtime creation, assignment, deployment and updating of arbitrary radio waveform techniques for a radio waveform generation device
9,026,161   Phased array antenna having assignment based control and related techniques
9,002,642   Track prediction and identification via particle motion with intent
8,618,898   System for transferring power and/or data through a non-ferrous skin of a vehicle
8,134,493   System and method for precision geolocation utilizing multiple sensing modalities
7,185,066 Secure data sharing system
6,995,778   Symbol expansion capability for map based display
6,754,668   Multilingual system having dynamic language selection
5,634,053   Federated information management (FIM) system and method for providing data site filtering and translation for heterogeneous databases
5,586,204   Integrity checking procedure for high throughput data transformations
4,460,244   Split prismatic annunciator

last updated 07/14/2021